Accounting for Privilege
After a few years of volunteer organizing DevOpsDays Boston and other local tech events, I found that there were some things I wanted to work out personally...
After a few years of volunteer organizing DevOpsDays Boston and other local tech events, I found that there were some things I wanted to work out personally...
As part of my usual duties, Tricentis asked me to name a few key themes and trends that I’ve seen during customer engineering work with forward-thinking cus...
Probably not unlike you, every day I work with folks caught in a clash between organizational processes and technology imperatives. "We have to get this new...
I rarely bother to open my mouth as a speaker and step into a spotlight anymore. I've been mostly focused on observing, listening, and organizing tech commu...
It's a powerful thing to understand how your brain works, what motivates you, and what you don't care about. There are so many things that can distract, but...
Initialization Phase My first evening in La Ciotat: I picked up a rental car in town due to the good graces of Giulia, the front desk assistant who was co...
Since well before 2008, DevOps as a keyword has been growing steadily in mindshare. This post is my version of a landing page for conversations I have with ...
As many organizations transition their technical systems to SaaS offerings they don't own or operate, I find it surprising that when a company acquires a 3r...
A performance engineer's job is to get things to work really, really well. Some might say that the difference between being a performance tester and a per...
Thanks for coming to my session at DevOps Days Pittsburgh! This page will be a placeholder for slides/video after the presentation. Resources: Link t...
Foreward: Since I highly doubt the following concepts will see the light of day in the final draft of IEEE 2675, I wanted to document that in fact I pushed ...
Mostly as an appendix for references and readings, but whenever I can I like to have a self-hosted post to link everything back to about a particular present...
Curiosity is what drives engineers, and is equal parts curse and companion. An engineer isn't limited to development or operations. An engineer would be a pr...
Let's be clear. I'm mostly writing this so that I don't have to have another bullshit conversation with a high-level agency "technical" recruiter that doesn'...
We really, really build ourselves into a corner with the internet and mobile and cloud and Agile "at scale". Good news is, we're engineers that can invent ou...
Testing in a DevOps culture is very different from traditional QA scenarios. I talk to all kinds of teams, from Fortune 100 to startups, all on the journey t...
This week, I had the opportunity to continue a conversation started weeks ago with David Fredricks, organizer of DevOps Days Boston. You can watch it on YouT...
Open source software (OSS) is a foundational part of the modern software delivery lifecycle. Enterprise teams with DevOps aspirations face unique challenges ...
This weekend, I had the chance to have a 'distributed beer' with Corey Quinn of Last Week in AWS to chat about the DevOps Days Boston 2017 conference last we...
In a conversation today with Ken Mugrage (organizer of DevOps Days Seattle), the scope of the term 'DevOps' came up enough to purposely double-click into it....
This article is intended for everyone involved in buying or selling tech, not just tooling vendors. The goal is to paint a picture of what an efficient suppl...
Since I presented the following perspective at APIStrat Chicago 2014, I've had many opportunities to clarify and deepen it within the context of Agile and De...
In theory, a completely Docker-ized version of an Appium mobile UI test stack sounds great. In practice, however, it's not that simple. This article explains...
Mobile is the front door to your business for most / all of your users. But how often do you use your front door, a few times a day? How often do your users ...
Thanks everyone for coming to my talk today! Slides and more links are below. As all my presentations are, this is meant to extend a dialog to you, so please...
I spoke about the importance of fast feedback across the software delivery pipeline at Developer Week 2017 on Tuesday. Below is the first 30m of the talk plu...
For my presentation at AnDevCon SF 2016, I focused on how Espresso represents a fundamental change in how approach the process of shipping software that prov...
Google Slides Thank you to everyone at Defrag for attending my session. Great conversations afterwards, and looking forward to any more input you have in the...
There’s a lot of hype when it comes to continuous deployment (CD). The fact is that in large organizations, adopting CD takes changes to process, responsibil...
I had the opportunity to attend Melody Meckfessel's presentation at Gluecon 2016 last week. As someone with years of experience at Google, when she speak, sm...
Have you ever thought about what "departments" really means? The word "department" starts with another word: "depart". Stop, think, continue reading. Technic...
I'll be speaking at APIdays Melbourne about the technological equivalent of the holy grail, continuous deployment, and why maybe we should re-think certain d...
The other day I was working on updating my visuals to describe the systems delivery lifecycle (SDLC) for software. Three new depictions arose. Why does th...
NOTE: This is a placeholder article to house slides, comments, and notes related to my presentation for TSQA 2022 Wild, Wild Test on 2021-03-09.
It may sound like an unnecessary errand in 2021 to have to define what “developer” (“programmer”) means, but once again I find myself in the complimentary an...
Recent changes in an organizing group I'm involved in have given rise to questions in my mind about how well we're doing, not just in terms of outputs, but ...
Probably not unlike you, every day I work with folks caught in a clash between organizational processes and technology imperatives. "We have to get this new...
It's a powerful thing to understand how your brain works, what motivates you, and what you don't care about. There are so many things that can distract, but...
Initialization Phase My first evening in La Ciotat: I picked up a rental car in town due to the good graces of Giulia, the front desk assistant who was co...
A performance engineer's job is to get things to work really, really well. Some might say that the difference between being a performance tester and a per...
In less than three days, I recently passed through five airports using six planes to meet with three very important teams. Not a single Uber (because fuck U...
Curiosity is what drives engineers, and is equal parts curse and companion. An engineer isn't limited to development or operations. An engineer would be a pr...
Let's be clear. I'm mostly writing this so that I don't have to have another bullshit conversation with a high-level agency "technical" recruiter that doesn'...
I hate acronyms. My dad used to use them far too much, the kind of guy that was more smart in retrospect than the kind of boy I was understood at the time. K...
How do you quantify what makes a great working environment, a good team, and work worth doing? An important piece for me is kindness. Kindness is Human At th...
This chick I know, I interviewed her last week for my upcoming podcast debut. She's phenomenal in a way that makes me so proud, grateful and humbled all at t...
Have you ever thought about what "departments" really means? The word "department" starts with another word: "depart". Stop, think, continue reading. Technic...
I'll be speaking at APIdays Melbourne about the technological equivalent of the holy grail, continuous deployment, and why maybe we should re-think certain d...
Sign up to access the full broadcast
NOTE: This is a placeholder article to house slides, comments, and notes related to my presentation for TSQA 2022 Wild, Wild Test on 2021-03-09.
As part of my usual duties, Tricentis asked me to name a few key themes and trends that I’ve seen during customer engineering work with forward-thinking cus...
I rarely bother to open my mouth as a speaker and step into a spotlight anymore. I've been mostly focused on observing, listening, and organizing tech commu...
A performance engineer's job is to get things to work really, really well. Some might say that the difference between being a performance tester and a per...
Thanks for coming to my session at DevOps Days Pittsburgh! This page will be a placeholder for slides/video after the presentation. Resources: Link t...
Mostly as an appendix for references and readings, but whenever I can I like to have a self-hosted post to link everything back to about a particular present...
Testing in a DevOps culture is very different from traditional QA scenarios. I talk to all kinds of teams, from Fortune 100 to startups, all on the journey t...
This article describes how DevOps teams can quickly spin up a reliable, cost-effective Selenium grid for automated testing in minutes. What Is Selenium &...
In theory, a completely Docker-ized version of an Appium mobile UI test stack sounds great. In practice, however, it's not that simple. This article explains...
Thanks everyone for coming to my talk today! Slides and more links are below. As all my presentations are, this is meant to extend a dialog to you, so please...
For my presentation at AnDevCon SF 2016, I focused on how Espresso represents a fundamental change in how approach the process of shipping software that prov...
[caption id="attachment_366" align="alignright" width="150"] Meme == fun! Make one yourself! Tag #SummerOfSelenium[/caption] I rarely go to the beach. When I...
If we think traditional software is hard, just wait until all the ugly details of the physical world start to pollute our perfect digital platforms. [embed]h...
I took the mic at APIStrat Austin 2015 last week. A few weeks back, Kin Lane (sup) emailed and asked if I could fill in a spot, talk about something that was...
Some vendors look at analyst reports on API testing and all they see is dollar signs. Yes, API testing and virtualization has blown up over the past 5 years,...
I rarely bother to open my mouth as a speaker and step into a spotlight anymore. I've been mostly focused on observing, listening, and organizing tech commu...
Thanks for coming to my session at DevOps Days Pittsburgh! This page will be a placeholder for slides/video after the presentation. Resources: Link t...
Testing in a DevOps culture is very different from traditional QA scenarios. I talk to all kinds of teams, from Fortune 100 to startups, all on the journey t...
This article describes how DevOps teams can quickly spin up a reliable, cost-effective Selenium grid for automated testing in minutes. What Is Selenium &...
Since I presented the following perspective at APIStrat Chicago 2014, I've had many opportunities to clarify and deepen it within the context of Agile and De...
In theory, a completely Docker-ized version of an Appium mobile UI test stack sounds great. In practice, however, it's not that simple. This article explains...
Mobile is the front door to your business for most / all of your users. But how often do you use your front door, a few times a day? How often do your users ...
I spoke about the importance of fast feedback across the software delivery pipeline at Developer Week 2017 on Tuesday. Below is the first 30m of the talk plu...
[caption id="attachment_366" align="alignright" width="150"] Meme == fun! Make one yourself! Tag #SummerOfSelenium[/caption] I rarely go to the beach. When I...
I had the opportunity to attend Melody Meckfessel's presentation at Gluecon 2016 last week. As someone with years of experience at Google, when she speak, sm...
If we think traditional software is hard, just wait until all the ugly details of the physical world start to pollute our perfect digital platforms. [embed]h...
I took the mic at APIStrat Austin 2015 last week. A few weeks back, Kin Lane (sup) emailed and asked if I could fill in a spot, talk about something that was...
I’m taking on the task of building an automation system for some of my online social engagement. Since I am not such a Very Important Person (yet :), the abs...
Recent changes in an organizing group I'm involved in have given rise to questions in my mind about how well we're doing, not just in terms of outputs, but ...
Probably not unlike you, every day I work with folks caught in a clash between organizational processes and technology imperatives. "We have to get this new...
It's a powerful thing to understand how your brain works, what motivates you, and what you don't care about. There are so many things that can distract, but...
Since well before 2008, DevOps as a keyword has been growing steadily in mindshare. This post is my version of a landing page for conversations I have with ...
In less than three days, I recently passed through five airports using six planes to meet with three very important teams. Not a single Uber (because fuck U...
Curiosity is what drives engineers, and is equal parts curse and companion. An engineer isn't limited to development or operations. An engineer would be a pr...
In disassembly of how I approach a zero-knowledge situation, a few key dynamics emerge. The goal of this simple framework is to accelerate the bond-forming p...
We really, really build ourselves into a corner with the internet and mobile and cloud and Agile "at scale". Good news is, we're engineers that can invent ou...
I hate acronyms. My dad used to use them far too much, the kind of guy that was more smart in retrospect than the kind of boy I was understood at the time. K...
What's the difference between a technical evangelist and an advocate? What are these terms even? If you're a technical recruiter, I encourage you to know the...
Probably not unlike you, every day I work with folks caught in a clash between organizational processes and technology imperatives. "We have to get this new...
Open source software (OSS) is a foundational part of the modern software delivery lifecycle. Enterprise teams with DevOps aspirations face unique challenges ...
For my presentation at AnDevCon SF 2016, I focused on how Espresso represents a fundamental change in how approach the process of shipping software that prov...
I had the opportunity to attend Melody Meckfessel's presentation at Gluecon 2016 last week. As someone with years of experience at Google, when she speak, sm...
It was about 7 months ago I started to feel myself drawing a line about how I use the words "open source". 7 months. Certainly in my copy, my writing, and my...
This week, I realized that for years, I've been looking at life changes in terms of cost. How much will it cost to move, how much will it cost if I quit, how...
I took the mic at APIStrat Austin 2015 last week. A few weeks back, Kin Lane (sup) emailed and asked if I could fill in a spot, talk about something that was...
In an unused downstairs side room of a hotel, I listened to students from the University of Colorado express their desire to change the world, and their conc...
Getting people to understand the true value of open source goes beyond just making easily digestible bullet points. I don't mean the hyper-commercialized ver...
It may sound like an unnecessary errand in 2021 to have to define what “developer” (“programmer”) means, but once again I find myself in the complimentary an...
I rarely bother to open my mouth as a speaker and step into a spotlight anymore. I've been mostly focused on observing, listening, and organizing tech commu...
I recently had the opportunity at a conference to ramen up with Lance Gleason of Polyglot. Of the many things we discussed in 3hrs, it came down to this: "A ...
I spoke about the importance of fast feedback across the software delivery pipeline at Developer Week 2017 on Tuesday. Below is the first 30m of the talk plu...
For my presentation at AnDevCon SF 2016, I focused on how Espresso represents a fundamental change in how approach the process of shipping software that prov...
As we were preparing for a webinar yesterday, a co-worker, @nicksanjines, mentioned a TN local developer event: Codestock Side note: Nick has a great set of ...
I had the opportunity to attend Melody Meckfessel's presentation at Gluecon 2016 last week. As someone with years of experience at Google, when she speak, sm...
How do you quantify what makes a great working environment, a good team, and work worth doing? An important piece for me is kindness. Kindness is Human At th...
For software developers, APIs are a really logical choice for delivering how something should work on multiple platforms, acting as a sort of a common "langu...
In theory, a completely Docker-ized version of an Appium mobile UI test stack sounds great. In practice, however, it's not that simple. This article explains...
In this article, I'll show how you can use Appium to automate fingerprint authentication on Android mobile devices. The general process also applies to iOS, ...
Developing Android apps can be hard...without the right tools and patterns in your back pocket. I had a chance to sit with Sam Edwards (@handstandsam) to tal...
I've heard that React Native is really cool. I've heard it can help to change your delivery, team, and hiring strategy. I've also heard it's toolchain is imm...
I grew up in the United States and like most countries I've traveled to, I'm used to seeing money that look like this: $56.33 €12,50 £281.71 A modern I...
For an reference example, I had to set up Jenkins to build my Android app. Though I'm using a Mac, once Docker is involved, I can also use the exact same ste...
For my presentation at AnDevCon SF 2016, I focused on how Espresso represents a fundamental change in how approach the process of shipping software that prov...
If you've been given an APK file but don't know the ApplicationId/Package name, you can use the 'aapt' (Android Asset Packaging Tool) to obtain this value. W...
This article differentiates unit tests, such as those written for jUnit, from UI tests in Espresso through both purpose and technical value. What is Espresso...
I rarely bother to open my mouth as a speaker and step into a spotlight anymore. I've been mostly focused on observing, listening, and organizing tech commu...
Since well before 2008, DevOps as a keyword has been growing steadily in mindshare. This post is my version of a landing page for conversations I have with ...
A few words to manufacturers and vendors of tech toys: to really be ready for the holiday, if your product requires software updates in order to work or is ...
I recently had the opportunity at a conference to ramen up with Lance Gleason of Polyglot. Of the many things we discussed in 3hrs, it came down to this: "A ...
I'll be speaking at APIdays Melbourne about the technological equivalent of the holy grail, continuous deployment, and why maybe we should re-think certain d...
If we think traditional software is hard, just wait until all the ugly details of the physical world start to pollute our perfect digital platforms. [embed]h...
Some vendors look at analyst reports on API testing and all they see is dollar signs. Yes, API testing and virtualization has blown up over the past 5 years,...
Software. Hardware. Things. Opinions. Places. Excuses. Ideas. Anyone can produce a cheap "affordable" solution. But details matter. How many cheap plastic th...
As part of my usual duties, Tricentis asked me to name a few key themes and trends that I’ve seen during customer engineering work with forward-thinking cus...
I rarely bother to open my mouth as a speaker and step into a spotlight anymore. I've been mostly focused on observing, listening, and organizing tech commu...
It's a powerful thing to understand how your brain works, what motivates you, and what you don't care about. There are so many things that can distract, but...
As many organizations transition their technical systems to SaaS offerings they don't own or operate, I find it surprising that when a company acquires a 3r...
A performance engineer's job is to get things to work really, really well. Some might say that the difference between being a performance tester and a per...
A few words to manufacturers and vendors of tech toys: to really be ready for the holiday, if your product requires software updates in order to work or is ...
Mostly as an appendix for references and readings, but whenever I can I like to have a self-hosted post to link everything back to about a particular present...
Since I presented the following perspective at APIStrat Chicago 2014, I've had many opportunities to clarify and deepen it within the context of Agile and De...
I had the opportunity to attend Melody Meckfessel's presentation at Gluecon 2016 last week. As someone with years of experience at Google, when she speak, sm...
For software developers, APIs are a really logical choice for delivering how something should work on multiple platforms, acting as a sort of a common "langu...
If we think traditional software is hard, just wait until all the ugly details of the physical world start to pollute our perfect digital platforms. [embed]h...
Some vendors look at analyst reports on API testing and all they see is dollar signs. Yes, API testing and virtualization has blown up over the past 5 years,...
I’m taking on the task of building an automation system for some of my online social engagement. Since I am not such a Very Important Person (yet :), the abs...
Defrag is legit. By "legit", I go with the urban dictionary definitions in that it is "real", "authentic", "truthful", generally a good thing. Who am I? Just...
I still don’t get it. After multiple clarifications with a friend about the recent donation of the what-once-was-only-Swagger API description format to the O...
This week, I had the opportunity to continue a conversation started weeks ago with David Fredricks, organizer of DevOps Days Boston. You can watch it on YouT...
This weekend, I had the chance to have a 'distributed beer' with Corey Quinn of Last Week in AWS to chat about the DevOps Days Boston 2017 conference last we...
Chloe Condon presented on how containers and IaC (infrastructure as code) can help us skip over the 'staging server' part of traditional deployment strategie...
Tom McLaughlin presented on iterative security, incorporating security into DevOps cycles through early detection and prevention of vulnerabilities. His sli...
Rob Cummings' keynote at DevOps Days Boston 2017 explored how Simon Wardley’s Pioneers, Settlers, and Town Planners model applies in enterprise engineering a...
At DevOpsDays Boston 2017, Matthew Boeckman presented on how emergent behavior in complex systems requires us to re-think our root cause analysis paradigms. ...
Some people seem to think that DevOps is a buzzword. It is not. At all. As part of my research for integrating concepts of risk, quality assurance, and con...
TL;DR What I do to maintain professional vs. personal live balance
Preface: this blog post is just my travel log, personal reflections, and thoughts from my time conversing with other community members at OpenTelemetry Comm...
Sign up to access the full broadcast
NOTE: This is a placeholder article to house slides, comments, and notes related to my presentation for TSQA 2022 Wild, Wild Test on 2021-03-09.
Probably not unlike you, every day I work with folks caught in a clash between organizational processes and technology imperatives. "We have to get this new...
I rarely bother to open my mouth as a speaker and step into a spotlight anymore. I've been mostly focused on observing, listening, and organizing tech commu...
Curiosity is what drives engineers, and is equal parts curse and companion. An engineer isn't limited to development or operations. An engineer would be a pr...
Have you ever thought about what "departments" really means? The word "department" starts with another word: "depart". Stop, think, continue reading. Technic...
I took the mic at APIStrat Austin 2015 last week. A few weeks back, Kin Lane (sup) emailed and asked if I could fill in a spot, talk about something that was...
Software. Hardware. Things. Opinions. Places. Excuses. Ideas. Anyone can produce a cheap "affordable" solution. But details matter. How many cheap plastic th...
I spoke about the importance of fast feedback across the software delivery pipeline at Developer Week 2017 on Tuesday. Below is the first 30m of the talk plu...
For my presentation at AnDevCon SF 2016, I focused on how Espresso represents a fundamental change in how approach the process of shipping software that prov...
Google Slides Thank you to everyone at Defrag for attending my session. Great conversations afterwards, and looking forward to any more input you have in the...
I took the mic at APIStrat Austin 2015 last week. A few weeks back, Kin Lane (sup) emailed and asked if I could fill in a spot, talk about something that was...
The other day I was working on updating my visuals to describe the systems delivery lifecycle (SDLC) for software. Three new depictions arose. Why does th...
A few words to manufacturers and vendors of tech toys: to really be ready for the holiday, if your product requires software updates in order to work or is ...
I hate acronyms. My dad used to use them far too much, the kind of guy that was more smart in retrospect than the kind of boy I was understood at the time. K...
Mobile is the front door to your business for most / all of your users. But how often do you use your front door, a few times a day? How often do your users ...
Thanks everyone for coming to my talk today! Slides and more links are below. As all my presentations are, this is meant to extend a dialog to you, so please...
If we think traditional software is hard, just wait until all the ugly details of the physical world start to pollute our perfect digital platforms. [embed]h...
In theory, a completely Docker-ized version of an Appium mobile UI test stack sounds great. In practice, however, it's not that simple. This article explains...
In this article, I'll show how you can use Appium to automate fingerprint authentication on Android mobile devices. The general process also applies to iOS, ...
I grew up in the United States and like most countries I've traveled to, I'm used to seeing money that look like this: $56.33 €12,50 £281.71 A modern I...
For my presentation at AnDevCon SF 2016, I focused on how Espresso represents a fundamental change in how approach the process of shipping software that prov...
This article differentiates unit tests, such as those written for jUnit, from UI tests in Espresso through both purpose and technical value. What is Espresso...
Thanks for coming to my session at DevOps Days Pittsburgh! This page will be a placeholder for slides/video after the presentation. Resources: Link t...
Just came across this nugget after Googling for 30 seconds. Essentially, you can mine an app for the intents...
NOTE: This is a placeholder article to house slides, comments, and notes related to my presentation for TSQA 2022 Wild, Wild Test on 2021-03-09.
It may sound like an unnecessary errand in 2021 to have to define what “developer” (“programmer”) means, but once again I find myself in the complimentary an...
As part of my usual duties, Tricentis asked me to name a few key themes and trends that I’ve seen during customer engineering work with forward-thinking cus...
TL;DR What I do to maintain professional vs. personal live balance
Preface: this blog post is just my travel log, personal reflections, and thoughts from my time conversing with other community members at OpenTelemetry Comm...
Sign up to access the full broadcast
TL;DR What I do to maintain professional vs. personal live balance
Preface: this blog post is just my travel log, personal reflections, and thoughts from my time conversing with other community members at OpenTelemetry Comm...
Sign up to access the full broadcast
For software developers, APIs are a really logical choice for delivering how something should work on multiple platforms, acting as a sort of a common "langu...
I took the mic at APIStrat Austin 2015 last week. A few weeks back, Kin Lane (sup) emailed and asked if I could fill in a spot, talk about something that was...
I still don’t get it. After multiple clarifications with a friend about the recent donation of the what-once-was-only-Swagger API description format to the O...
After a few years of volunteer organizing DevOpsDays Boston and other local tech events, I found that there were some things I wanted to work out personally...
As we were preparing for a webinar yesterday, a co-worker, @nicksanjines, mentioned a TN local developer event: Codestock Side note: Nick has a great set of ...
Defrag is legit. By "legit", I go with the urban dictionary definitions in that it is "real", "authentic", "truthful", generally a good thing. Who am I? Just...
We really, really build ourselves into a corner with the internet and mobile and cloud and Agile "at scale". Good news is, we're engineers that can invent ou...
My brave, introverted wife marched yesterday in Boston while I took the kids to the park and cleaned up the house. It's the least we both could do. After a ...
This chick I know, I interviewed her last week for my upcoming podcast debut. She's phenomenal in a way that makes me so proud, grateful and humbled all at t...
After a few years of volunteer organizing DevOpsDays Boston and other local tech events, I found that there were some things I wanted to work out personally...
For software developers, APIs are a really logical choice for delivering how something should work on multiple platforms, acting as a sort of a common "langu...
I still don’t get it. After multiple clarifications with a friend about the recent donation of the what-once-was-only-Swagger API description format to the O...
I took the mic at APIStrat Austin 2015 last week. A few weeks back, Kin Lane (sup) emailed and asked if I could fill in a spot, talk about something that was...
In an unused downstairs side room of a hotel, I listened to students from the University of Colorado express their desire to change the world, and their conc...
This week, I've been exploring the InfluxData tech stack. As a muse, I decided to move some of my social media sharing patterns formal algorithms. I also wan...
Just look at this graph...not a good trend, right? How do we know? Graph(Big Data) - Context == Big Problem Graphs are visualizations of data optimized for ...
This article describes how DevOps teams can quickly spin up a reliable, cost-effective Selenium grid for automated testing in minutes. What Is Selenium &...
Developers need fluency in technologies that the team uses for UI testing. Similarly, testing has become more a programmer's job than a point-n-click task. A...
In theory, a completely Docker-ized version of an Appium mobile UI test stack sounds great. In practice, however, it's not that simple. This article explains...
There’s a lot of hype when it comes to continuous deployment (CD). The fact is that in large organizations, adopting CD takes changes to process, responsibil...
Mobile is the front door to your business for most / all of your users. But how often do you use your front door, a few times a day? How often do your users ...
For a recent project, I had to include the Android SDK build tools as part of a Jenkins Dockerfile. No problem. Download and execute installer, right? Wrong....
In theory, a completely Docker-ized version of an Appium mobile UI test stack sounds great. In practice, however, it's not that simple. This article explains...
In this article, I'll show how you can use Appium to automate fingerprint authentication on Android mobile devices. The general process also applies to iOS, ...
What's the difference between a technical evangelist and an advocate? What are these terms even? If you're a technical recruiter, I encourage you to know the...
Question: Are you 'in the right room'? As a part-time practitioner and technical evangelist, one of the most important questions I can ask myself is just tha...
This week, I've been exploring the InfluxData tech stack. As a muse, I decided to move some of my social media sharing patterns formal algorithms. I also wan...
ES6 (i.e. proper Javascript) isn't the first time Promises were introduced, but formally supports them now. Believe me, you want to start using Promises in y...
It's a powerful thing to understand how your brain works, what motivates you, and what you don't care about. There are so many things that can distract, but...
In a conversation today with Ken Mugrage (organizer of DevOps Days Seattle), the scope of the term 'DevOps' came up enough to purposely double-click into it....
It's a powerful thing to understand how your brain works, what motivates you, and what you don't care about. There are so many things that can distract, but...
In disassembly of how I approach a zero-knowledge situation, a few key dynamics emerge. The goal of this simple framework is to accelerate the bond-forming p...
After a few years of volunteer organizing DevOpsDays Boston and other local tech events, I found that there were some things I wanted to work out personally...
Recent changes in an organizing group I'm involved in have given rise to questions in my mind about how well we're doing, not just in terms of outputs, but ...
Started later than I'd like, trying to spend more good morning time with the kiddos. Nothing huge on the schedule, some customer and internal meetings, some...
It's been too long a time since I published something here. The more time I commit to professional and volunteer and personal projects, the less time time I...
TL;DR What I do to maintain professional vs. personal live balance
Preface: this blog post is just my travel log, personal reflections, and thoughts from my time conversing with other community members at OpenTelemetry Comm...
TL;DR What I do to maintain professional vs. personal live balance
Preface: this blog post is just my travel log, personal reflections, and thoughts from my time conversing with other community members at OpenTelemetry Comm...
The other day I was working on updating my visuals to describe the systems delivery lifecycle (SDLC) for software. Three new depictions arose. Why does th...
I had the opportunity to attend Melody Meckfessel's presentation at Gluecon 2016 last week. As someone with years of experience at Google, when she speak, sm...
Developers need fluency in technologies that the team uses for UI testing. Similarly, testing has become more a programmer's job than a point-n-click task. A...
Value comes from what you do. As part of a working class, I firmly believe that when someone takes away your control over the work you do, they violate a bas...
Value comes from what you do. As part of a working class, I firmly believe that when someone takes away your control over the work you do, they violate a bas...
Value comes from what you do. As part of a working class, I firmly believe that when someone takes away your control over the work you do, they violate a bas...
For a recent project, I had to include the Android SDK build tools as part of a Jenkins Dockerfile. No problem. Download and execute installer, right? Wrong....
I grew up in the United States and like most countries I've traveled to, I'm used to seeing money that look like this: $56.33 €12,50 £281.71 A modern I...
I've heard that React Native is really cool. I've heard it can help to change your delivery, team, and hiring strategy. I've also heard it's toolchain is imm...
This week, I've been exploring the InfluxData tech stack. As a muse, I decided to move some of my social media sharing patterns formal algorithms. I also wan...
Curiosity is what drives engineers, and is equal parts curse and companion. An engineer isn't limited to development or operations. An engineer would be a pr...
I make a lot of mistakes. I try not to do it on Github where commits are a permanent record of your competencies. So are children, only the impact of a word...
Probably not unlike you, every day I work with folks caught in a clash between organizational processes and technology imperatives. "We have to get this new...
As part of my usual duties, Tricentis asked me to name a few key themes and trends that I’ve seen during customer engineering work with forward-thinking cus...
After a few years of volunteer organizing DevOpsDays Boston and other local tech events, I found that there were some things I wanted to work out personally...
Afterthoughts on Hive Minding
10 minute read
It's a powerful thing to understand how your brain works, what motivates you, and what you don't care about. There are so many things that can distract, but...
Beyond the Boston Women’s March for America
4 minute read
My brave, introverted wife marched yesterday in Boston while I took the kids to the park and cleaned up the house. It's the least we both could do. After a ...
How can a PID Controller Help to Fight EULA Apathy?
6 minute read
Value comes from what you do. As part of a working class, I firmly believe that when someone takes away your control over the work you do, they violate a bas...
7 Practical Tips for Inclusion
5 minute read
This chick I know, I interviewed her last week for my upcoming podcast debut. She's phenomenal in a way that makes me so proud, grateful and humbled all at t...
Automating the Self: Social Media
2 minute read
I’m taking on the task of building an automation system for some of my online social engagement. Since I am not such a Very Important Person (yet :), the abs...