2 minute read

Curiosity is what drives engineers, and is equal parts curse and companion. An engineer isn't limited to development or operations. An engineer would be a problem-solver in both areas, probably more. Curiosity is a surprisingly rare quality in people, even in technology.

If you want to know how something works, take it apart and observe. My first digital systems disassembly was a Sony Discman in 1989. Whatever I did, I fixed it. The feeling was powerful. It just took me 25 years to realize that there are many broken things in the world and to prioritize which one's I involve myself with. Understanding the problem is crucial.

This is how I approach many conversations, navigating purposely and politely until there's a useful reframing. People aren't things, so be kind, be sensitive, and be patient. When you engage, learn about their biggest challenges, how they approach things, and what drives them. Just start with that.

[If my 80's discman was still around, it would be like "yup, those were the days". My 8086 XT clone next to it would splutter out some op codes. My Mega Man game watch would be waterlogged and stuck in a loop. Which all lead me to the next action...]

Put things back together again so that they work, hopefully, better than before. It's just courtesy. In commit-worthy code that's called hygiene. In conversation, that's called maintaining a shared view or vision. Do these things enough and you'll find that the way to a common goal is easy easier than with clutter obscurring your journey, and for others'. When you can row in the same direction, you get to your destination a whole lot faster.

Put it with other things to see where it doesn't work. That's integration and it's not always easy, especially if it's your own code or new auto-scaling configuration that causes unforeseen things to blow up. Get to know what your thing does before and after you put it out in the wild. Be honest with yourself and others about the time this takes.

There are some things you can take apart, and some things you can't. If you can't or if it's too much effort for not enough value, move on to another learning tool, but remain committed to your goal. In the light of fundamental flaws in how we think about security, privacy, and basic human welfare right now, seek something you're proud and grateful to do. [There are some very worthy things happening in Boston right now.]